Rates Effective: 12/19/2024

New or Used Auto Loan
Year Terms APR1 (as low as)2 Monthly Payment
per $1,0003
Days to 1st Payment*
2025 New4 84 months 8.50% $15.84 up to 90
2025 24 - 72 months 6.50% $17.29 up to 90
2024-2023 36 - 72 months 7.25% $17.53 up to 90
2022 36 - 72 months 7.75% $17.78 up to 90
2021 36 - 60 months 8.00% $20.52 up to 90
2020 24 - 48 months 8.00% $24.65 up to 90
2019 24 - 48 months 8.25% $24.77 up to 90

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1 APR: Annual Percentage Rate. Pricing reflect 0.25% discount for automatic payment from a deposit account.
2 Rate and maximum LTV are based on credit score criteria
Maximum Loan Amount=$100k/75k

3 Payment per $1,000 based on maximum term and corresponding rate.
4 Dealership owned demos with less than 5,000 miles & never registered are considered new; any registered vehicle regardless of mileage must be considered used.

* The first payment will be deferred from 30 to 90 days, depending on the creditworthiness of the primary applicant, as measured by the median credit score. Interest accrues from date loan is funded.

Personal Loans
Maximum Loan Amount APR1 (as low as) Monthly Payment
per $1,000*
$25,000 13.00% $23.53 Up to 60 months

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1 Annual Percentage Rate. Approval of a personal loan requires that you meet our credit criteria, income ratios. Additional terms and conditions may apply.
* Payment per $1,000 based on maximum term and corresponding rate.

Credit Journey Loan
Maximum Loan Amount APR1 (as low as) Monthly Payment
per $1,000**
$5,000 Prime

(currently 7.50%)

$31.34 12,24 or 36 months

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*Rates for this loan are based on Wall Street Journal Prime Rate. As of 12/18/2024, the prime rate is 7.50% as published in the Wall Street Journal. The loan is approved for individual credit only. To be eligible, applicant must have 4 tradelines or less with a FICO score of 679 or lower. Minimum loan amount of $500. Maximum loan amount of $5,000. Minimum monthly payment of $25. Rates above are discounted o.50% with an automatic debit of loan payments from a checking or savings account. Loan proceeds will be secured In a Credit Journey Savings account for the term of loan. Deposit proceeds will be released upon payoff.  Applicants may track their credit score with a Secure Checking with eStatements. The monthly maintenance fee will be waived during the term of the loan if a member chooses to open a Secure Checking. Loan approval subject to Naveo lending criteria and Naveo membership eligibility.
1 Annual Percentage Rate. Approval of a personal loan requires that you meet our credit criteria, income ratios. Additional terms and conditions may apply.
**Payment per $1,000 based on maximum term and corresponding rate.

Debt Consolidation Loans
Maximum Loan Amount APR1 (as low as)2 Monthly Payment
per $1,000*
$25,000 13.00% $23.53 Up to 60 months

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1 Annual Percentage Rate. Rates above reflect a 0.25% discount for automatic debit of loan payments from a checking or savings account. Approval of a Debt Consolidation Loan requires that you meet our credit criteria and income ratio requirements. Accounts paid off from Naveo Debt Consolidation Loan proceeds must be closed as part of the loan transactions. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Applicants must meet membership eligibility requirements prior to or at loan closing.
* Payment per $1,000 based on maximum term and corresponding rate.

Secured Loans
Maximum Loan Amount Standard APR1 Monthly Payment
per $1,000
Up to 90% of savings account balance 4.60%2 $18.69 Up to 60 months


1 APR: Annual Percentage Rate
2 Passbook or statement savings account rate plus a margin of 4.5%. Rate shown is for a secured loan on a Passbook savings. Additional terms and conditions may apply.
Payment per $1,000 based on a term of 60 months.

Bicycle Loan
Maximum Loan Amount APR1 (as low as)2 Monthly Payment
per $1,000*
$9,000 11.00% $32.74 Up to 36 months

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1 APR: Annual Percentage Rate. The Bicycle Loan is available in terms from 6 months to 36 months with a minimum loan amount of $500 and maximum loan amount of $9,000. Loan approval subject to Naveo lending criteria. Loan is available for new bicycle purchases only with up to 100% financing and an additional 10% for accessories. Automatic debit is required, else rate will be 1% higher. Minimum payment per month is $50. Applicant(s) must be eligible for and establish membership at Naveo. Terms and conditions may change without notice.
* Payment per $1,000 based on maximum term and corresponding rate.