Rates Effective: 1/03/2025

MasterCard Credit Card
Credit Card Type APR1
MasterCard Rewards Platinum from 17.74% to 27.74%*
MasterCard Cash Rewards Platinum from 18.74% to 27.99%*
MasterCard Platinum Elite from 15.74% to 25.74%*

1 APR: Annual Percentage Rate
*APR based on creditworthiness of applicant. This APR will vary with the market based on the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate.

Visa Credit Card
Credit Card Type APR1
Visa Rewards Platinum from 17.74% to 27.74%*
Visa Cash Rewards Platinum from 18.74% to 27.99%*
Visa Platinum Elite from 15.74% to 25.74%*
Visa Signature from 17.49% to 23.74%*

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1 APR: Annual Percentage Rate
*APR based on creditworthiness of applicant. This APR will vary with the market based on the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate.

Visa Business Credit Card
Credit Card Type APR1
Small Business Rewards from 17.99% to 26.99%*
Small Business Cash Rewards from 18.49% to 28.49%*
Small Business Edition from 16.49% to 25.49%*

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1 APR: Annual Percentage Rate
*APR based on creditworthiness of applicant. This APR will vary with the market based on the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate.